Open Referendum

How to generate an App Link that opens a specific referendum in Nova Wallet!

App Links allow you to generate a hyperlink that when used will direct users to a specific referendum within Nova Wallet.


When creating an App Link to open a specific referendum you should adjust the following parameters:

chainId – this is the network genesis hash without the "0x" prefix. The chain's governance should be supported by Nova Wallet

id – referendum ID number

type – 0 = OpenGov / 1 = Gov1

This is how you format App Links so that when a user clicks this link they will be directed to the specific referendum within Nova Wallet.

App Links to open the details of a specific referendum are formatted as such:{genesis_hash}&id={referendum_number}&type={optional_numeric_type_of_governance}

Here is an example of an App Link that will open Polkadot OpenGov referendum #302.

Now that you have your App Link you can make a QR code containing its data, which when scanned with a user's mobile phone will open that specific referendum in their Nova Wallet. You can use a site such as QRCode Monkey to generate these QR codes easily.

Last updated