Polkadot Vault

All about using Polkadot Vault with Nova Wallet!

The information in this section of the wiki is relevant for Polkadot Vault version 6.3 and above.

Polkadot Vault is a cold storage solution, which allows you to turn your iOS or Android device into a dedicated hardware wallet for Polkadot, Kusama, and other Substrate-based chains. Your keys are kept secure (i.e. offline) at all times, and transactions are signed in an air-gapped way via QR codes.

Using Polkadot Vault in conjunction with Nova Wallet means you will use two mobile devices to sign transactions. It is important to note that the device which has Polkadot Vault installed on it should be:

  • Factory-reset to remove any previous data;

  • Disconnected from the internet;

  • Set to Airplane mode.

If your Polkadot Vault Device ever connects to the internet / is tethered to a computer with internet access, you will receive a warning that your Polkadot Vault Device is no longer secure.

Last updated