🔗App Links

All about Nova Wallet App Links!

Nova Wallet supports App Links which allow you to create a hyperlink that when used will carry out a specific action within Nova Wallet. If a user does not have Nova Wallet installed then the App Link will direct them to the Google Play / Apple App Stores to download Nova Wallet.

  1. Open a specific DApp: Open DApp

  2. Open the details of a specific referendum: Open Referendum

  3. Open the Multistaking Dashboard: Open Multistaking Dashboard

  4. Add Wallet (default): Add Wallet (Default)

  5. Add Wallet (custom): Add Wallet (Custom)

You can now generate App Links which when clicked will carry out a specific action within Nova Wallet.

The format for App Links is:


Here is an example App Link that will open the details of Polkadot Referendum #302 in Nova Wallet.


Once you have created your App Link and tested that it works, you can create a QR code which, when scanned with a user's phone, will open that specific screen in Nova Wallet. You can use a site such as QRCode Monkey to generate these QR codes easily.

Last updated