Avail (AVAIL) Staking

How to stake your AVAIL tokens using Nova Wallet!

Nova Wallet is a non-custodial wallet where you alone remain in control of your assets via your private key/seed phrase. Nova Wallet directly connects you to the Avail protocol to stake directly. Nova Wallet does not provide you with any staking services such as how a CEX may do.

AVAIL Staking Information & Parameters

Pool Staking
Direct Staking

Minimum Stake


1,000 AVAIL*

Unstaking Period

28 Days

28 Days

Rewards Payout

Rewards have to be claimed manually and you must pay transaction fees.

Rewards accrue daily and are paid out daily.

*The minimum stake for direct staking may vary over time and is dictated by the Avail protocol.

How to Begin Staking AVAIL Tokens

🙋Direct Staking🌊Pool Staking

Last updated