Polkadot Vault [Legacy]

All about using Polkadot Vault with Nova Wallet

The information in this section is relevant to versions of Polkadot Vault below v6.3.

Polkadot Vault is a cold storage solution, which allows you to turn your iOS or Android device into a dedicated hardware wallet for Polkadot, Kusama, and other Substrate-based chains. Your keys are kept secure (i.e. offline) at all times, and transactions are signed in an air-gapped way via QR codes.

Using Polkadot Vault in conjunction with Nova Wallet means you will use 2 mobile devices to sign transactions. It is important to note that the device which has Polkadot Vault installed on it should be:

  • Factory Reset to remove any previous data;

  • Disconnected from the internet;

  • Set to airplane mode.

If your Polkadot Vault Device ever connects to the internet / is tethered to a computer with internet access, you will receive a warning that your Polkadot Vault Device is no longer secure.

Create a New Polkadot Vault AccountImport Existing Polkadot Vault AccountMigrate Parity Signer AccountAdd Polkadot Vault Account to Nova WalletUpdate Chain Metadata in Polkadot VaultAdd Public Key for a NetworkDerivation Paths – Add Root KeyReceive Tokens on Your Polkadot Vault AccountSubmit a Transaction Using Polkadot VaultTroubleshooting

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