
Error: "Please Add The Network You Want To Transact in”

This error occurs when you are trying to sign a transaction for a network which has not yet been added to your Polkadot Vault!

You can use the Novasama Technologies Metadata Portal to find QR codes which will provide your Polkadot Vault device with the information required to update the chain metadata.

To solve this:

  1. Navigate to the Novasama Technologies Metadata Portal. Note: This should be done on a device which is not your Polkadot Vault Device.

  2. Select the appropriate blockchain that you wish to update the metadata for.

  3. If you are adding a chain for the first time, select the "chain specs" tab at the top of the metadata portal screen.

  4. On your Polkadot Vault device select the QR code scanner.

  5. Scan the chain specs QR code with your Polkadot Vault device.

  6. Review the verifier certificate and then select Approve at the bottom of the screen on your Polkadot Vault device.

  7. Select the Metadata tab at the top of the metadata portal screen.

  8. Using your Polkadot Vault device select the QR code scanner.

  9. Scan the Metadata QR code with your Polkadot Vault device (Note: this can take a few minutes to complete).

  10. Review the Verifier Certificate and select Approve.

Error: "Please Download Network Metadata"

This error occurs when your Polkadot Vault device does not have the metadata information about the network that you are trying to use.

You can use the Novasama Technologies Metadata Portal to find QR codes which will provide your Polkadot Vault device with the information required to update the chain metadata.

  1. Navigate to the Novasama Technologies Metadata Portal. Note: This should be done on a device which is not your Polkadot Vault device.

  2. Select the appropriate blockchain that you wish to add metadata for.

  3. Select the "Metadata" tab at the top of the metadata portal screen.

  4. Using your Polkadot Vault device select the QR code scanner.

  5. Scan the Metadata QR code with your Polkadot Vault device (Note: this can take a few minutes to complete).

  6. Review the Verifier Certificate and select Approve.

Error: "Please Update Network Metadata"

This error occurs when your Polkadot Vault has outdated information about the network that you are trying to use. This typically occurs if the network you are trying to use has had a runtime update since you last updated the metadata.

You can use the Novasama Technologies Metadata Portal to find QR codes which will provide your Polkadot Vault device with the information required to update the chain metadata.

  1. Navigate to the Novasama Technologies Metadata Portal. Note: This should be done on a device which is not your Polkadot Vault device.

  2. Select the appropriate blockchain that you wish to add metadata for.

  3. Select the "Metadata" tab at the top of the metadata portal screen.

  4. Using your Polkadot Vault device select the QR code scanner.

  5. Scan the Metadata QR code with your Polkadot Vault device (Note: this can take a few minutes to complete).

  6. Review the Verifier Certificate and select Approve.

Error: β€œTransaction author public key not found.”

This error occurs when your Polkadot Vault doesn't have the correct public key associated with the network that you are trying to use.

Most commonly this is caused when you are trying to interact with the account address generated by your Root Key, but you have not added the Root Key, to add the Root Key see the Root Key section of this page Derivation Paths


  1. On your Polkadot Vault device select the + icon at the top right of the screen.

  2. Select the network that you would like to add a derivation path for (note: if you cannot see your desired network then you have not correctly added the chain specs and metadata).

  3. Select Add Custom Derivation Path.

  4. In the Derivation Path Name field, you need to enter the correct derivation path for your account.

  5. Select Done.

  6. You may now Input a name for this derivation path, such as "pub". You should then tick the "I have written down my derivation path name" tick box and select Done.

  7. Your derived account has now been added to Polkadot Vault. If you select this key from the Derived Keys list you will see that the derivation path is stated in the Derivation Path field.

Last updated