📊Manage Manta Collators
How to manage your Manta Collator in Nova Wallet!
If you wish to change the Collator which you are staking with, you first need to unstake from your existing Collator.
Collator APR on Manta is dynamic and can change every day. It depends on the stake behind each collator. Collators with lowest stake behind them have the highest APR, however, their APR will go down as more stakers choose them. This ultimately can affect the amount of staking rewards that you earn from nominating to them. As such Nova Wallet recommends that you monitor your Collator's performance on a semi-frequent basis.
You can change the Collator which you stake with at any time:
Open the Nova Wallet application.
the Staking screen.Select
your staking position, in this case, would be Manta Atlantic MANTA.From the Manta staking screen
"Your collators".From the Your collators screen
Change.If you wish to change your Collator, you should now
the amount of tokens that you wish to unstake, in this case likely you will want to unstake all of your tokens.Once you are happy with the amount you are unstaking
Continue.Review the contextual information including any associated fees and
Confirm.You must now wait for the unstaking period to finish How to Unstake Your MANTA and then start staking again with a new collator Manta (MANTA) Staking
Last updated